Coffee Factory



HELL’s factory has grown into the largest giant in the world. This means that the company, owned by a same corporate group, operates the world’s largest state-of-the-art megafactory, manufacturing and filling aluminium beverage cans at one location. After the completion of our new plant, our complex now spans 83 hectares, or 830,000 square meters.

Thanks to the increased production capacity, we can produce up to 4 billion beverage cans and 6 billion pieces of filled finished products per year. The success story of HELL has reached another milestone: our company opened a new factory unit equipped with state-of-the-art technology on 24 May 2024 in Szikszó, which was inaugurated at our Industrial Park with a grand opening ceremony. With the newly given unit, our factory has expanded further, which has taken our production activities to a new level, as we can handle up to 10 billion beverage cans annually, including 4 billion cans and 6 billion pieces of filled finished products. This means that we can move up to 31 million aluminium cans per day, of which 13 million are manufactured and 18 million are filled. In addition, the newly given factory complex is now also suitable to produce 500 ml aluminium cans, which further expands the already wide range of products.

Our factory complex also produces aluminium-canned milk-based beverages, supported by one of the most advanced technologies available. This 11,880 square meter facility can produce up to 50,000 cans of premium ice coffee per hour, using milk exclusively sourced from Hungarian farmers. Our plant is capable of filling up to 300 million cans of ice coffee annually, built in collaboration with Spanish, Dutch, and German technology partners.


Az űrlap kitöltésével és beküldésével panasza nyilvántartásba kerül és azonosítószámot kap. A HELL ENERGY Magyarország Kft. tiszteletben tartja az Ön magánszférájának védelmét és nagy gondot fordít a személyes adatok védelmére. Tájékoztatjuk, hogy személyes adatait az alkalmazandó jogszabályoknak, így különösen a 2016/679 (EU) általános adatvédelmi rendeletnek (GDPR), valamint az információs önrendelkezési jogról és az információszabadságról szóló 2011. évi CXII. törvénynek megfelelően kezeljük.